Welcome to Andean Birding’s News Page. Here you will find updated information about our latest trips and expeditions; new and interesting bird observations from Ecuador; what’s new in the birding pipeline and news about conservation. Click here for the tour price list.
by my friends Dušan Brinkhuizen, Tuomas Seimola, Mitch Lysinger and Rudy Gelis. 425 species vs. previous LSU record of 354! They started in amazonia and east slope then flying Quito to Salinas and getting waders and waterfowl on the coast at night.
- Amazon and East West Andes with Barry Mantell Oct 2014
Highlights from Barry Mantell and Friends tour to Sacha Lodge and East and West Slope Ecuador. Harpy Eagle subadult display flight and perched for 30 minutes near Canopy Walkway, also Ash-throated Crake Sacha Lodge . Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle and 2nd record of Crowned Slaty Flycatcher at Wildsumaco Lodge. Brown Wood-Rail Rio Palenque (no recent records). Tanager Finch pair showing off and Peregrine Falcon at Bellavista Cloud Forest Lodge. Fruiting tree at Mashpi with Black Solitaire, Scaled Fruiteater and Orange-breasted Fruiteater.
- Southern Ecuador 18 Feb - 5 March 2017
16 days in Tumbesian Heaven. Southern Ecuador is an outstanding destination for its bountiful endemics nestled in a spectacular landscape. This tour visits 8 endemic bird areas with an excellent chance of seeing over 100 endemics, over 50 of them in Tumbesia alone, the richest Endemic Bird Area in the world. With the inclusion of the temperate and elfin forests of Cajanuma and Tapichalaca and the verdant foothills of Buenaventura and Bombuscaro, our birdlist is unbeatable!
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- 13-30 Nov 2014
Come join us on our new Northern Peru itinerary, a 16 day extravaganza in the most endemic rich area in the world. 3 nights at Abra Patricia for a great chance for Long-whiskered Owlet as well as Royal Sunangel, the recently described Lulu’s Tody-Tyrant, Bar-winged Wood-Wren, White-capped and Yellow-scarfed Tanager, as well as Ochre-fronted, Chestnut and Rusty-tinged Antpitta. Saving time on the newly paved road through the Marañon Valley we drop a night at Celendin to devote to other areas, adding 2 nights near Moyobamba for foothill specialties like Fiery-throated Fruiteater, Band-bellied Owl, Rufous Nightjar, Huallaga Tanager, White-bellied Pygmy-Tyrant, Mishana Tyrannulet and the newly described Varzea Thrush. Hummingbird feeders here are World class with over 15 species including the flashy Rufous-crested Coquette. Nearby open habitat has savanna species like Rusty-backed Antwren, Stripe-necked tody-Tyrant, Wedge-tailed Grass-Finch and Black-billed Seed-Finch.
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- North Peru 28 Jan- 24 Feb 2014 guided by Roger Ahlman for Zoothera.
Steve Bird wrote: “A celebration tonight after dinner as we scored with the Long-whiskered-Owlet by Steve Bird. Holy grail of South American birds the mythical and rarely seen Long-whiskered Owlet. We had seen it and were back for dinner by 7.45. The day before we were all in awe of one of the most wanted hummingbirds the Marvelous Spatuletail with 2 males giving fantastic views. We have also seen many superb and rare birds including Royal Sunangels, Lulu's Tody-Flycatcher, fabulous views of the rare Grey-bellied Comet, Grey-winged and Buff-bridled Inca Finches, Yellow-faced Parrotlets, Russet-mantled Softtail, Chestnut-crested Cotinga, a wonderful look at Koepcke's Screech-Owl, Coppery Metailtail, Great Spinetail, Chestnut-backed Thornbird, Maranon Thrush, White-eared Solitaire, Rufous-eared Brush-Finch, Buff-bellied Tanager and much more. A few more days and now added the superb Cinnamon Screech-Owl just 10ft away, several superb Fiery-throated Fruiteaters, Scaled Fruiteater, Grey-mantled Wren, Equatorial Graytail, flocks of tanagers and one of the best hummingbird feeders we have been to anywhere, with about 18 species seen well.”
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- EAST/WEST COMBO 16-31 Aug 2014
Join us on our most popular itinerary which spans both East and West slopes for an unparalleled bird bonanza. We have also arranged lodging to minimize drive time and hotel hopping. This tour visits productive and exemplary reserves of 3 endemic bird areas, Chocó, Interandean and East Slope Andes with a chance at 80 endemics!
Now that ECOAN has the comfortable Owlet Lodge open and running for a number of years at Abra Patricia there has been an increased attraction and interest in birding Northern Peru. AP is a legendary site where LSU expeditions in the 70’s and 80’s discovered a number of new birds species to science including Long-whiskered Owlet, Royal Sunangel, Ochre-fronted Antpitta, Johnson’s Tody-Tyrant Cinnamon-breasted Tody-Tyrant and Bar-winged Wood-Wren as well as , the just recently described Lulu's Tody-Tyrant.
- Antisana Day Tour
We have had a surge in Antisana day tours with good reason. This is a brilliant day for easy birds and views of Andean Condors with the breathtaking backdrop of Antisana, a glaciered volcano. New hummingbird feeders bring in Giant Hummingbird, Great Sapphirewing as well as Tyrian Metaltail and Shining Sunbeam. Lake views yield Silvery Grebe, Andean Coot, Andean Teal, Ruddy Duck, Yellow-billed Pintail. And of course with a little luck the coveted Black-faced Ibis can be seen, sometimes in a flock of over a dozen at the only accessible site in the region.
Roger Ahlman got word of a "nearby" site where Banded Ground-Cuckoo, an extremely rare Choco endemic, was being seen daily so Jonas Nilsson, Rudy Gelis and I twitched off to Un Poco del Choco bio-research station on the north side of the Pachijal river valley near Los Bancos but far by road.
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- My record of Anolis proboscis was cited recently in Breviora:
The third species, the Ecuadorian A. proboscis, was also an enigma until recently. Known for decades from only six specimens, all male and last collected in 1966, nearly four decades passed without a reported sighting until 2005, when ecotourists on a birdwatching trip discovered one crossing a road near the type locality (Almendariz and Vogt, 2007; C. Vogt, personal communication).
This rare visitant to South America was seen only once before in Ecuador, from a specimen taken 1929. Dusan Brinkhuizen, Lory Cordova and I twitched this 22 March. Discovered on 3 Mar by Juan Freile and identified by Jonas Nilsson subsequently. Pictures and full story here.
Lesser Scaup female. Apparently Tatiana Santander (Aves & Conservacion) had the 1st recent record as well as a male here at Laguna San Pablo and another individual was seen a day later at Laguna Yambo near Salcedo. Amazing to have these individuals appear after 60 years of absence!
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- East Slope 9-12 Aug 2011 Peruvian Antpitta and Bicolored Antvireo!
A short but very sweet trip with 2 wonderful South Africans, Greg and Lara Noel. Our first day’s weather was the most brutal I have ever faced at Papallacta pass and the antennas were plastered with 10cm of sastrugi by a gale-force wind so we called off the seed-snipe hunt. Lower down we jumped a Tawny Antpitta and managed to tease out a White-chinned Thistletail and a Many-striped Canastero. Paramo flycatchers were scarce but we saw Paramo Ground-Tyrant and Brown-backed Chat-Tyrant. Raptors were more obliging with nice soaring views of Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle, Puna Hawk, Carunculated Caracara and American Kestrel. On Papallacta lake we had Andean Teal, Yellow-billed Pintail, Andean Coot and a lone Andean Gull on the west side of the pass.
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- East and West Ecuador 29 Dec – 14 Jan 2011
Charlie guided Robert and Ulrike Wynands meeting them at Wildsumaco after they finished a week birding at Sacha Lodge. Charlie had just been in an historic blizzard on a family visit to Boston and made it out miraculously the next day. We had good luck with bird activity on both slopes and recorded 510 species with 474 seen on a 17-day itinerary including Antisana. The Wynands had seen 250 species at Sacha so their total was close to 700!
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- North Peru 4-19 October 2010 guided by Roger Ahlman.
The group included 12 Quebecois birders organized by Kevin Easley.
This was a very successful trip with the group seeing all of the accessible endemics and specialties including an incredibly rare sighting of the Long-whiskered Owlet which has only been seen by around 50 people ever!
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- Gray-cheeked Thrush in Quito.
Dusan Brinkhuizen and Charlie Vogt had a Gray-cheeked Thrush in the Quito Botanical Garden this morning, an Ecuador lifer for me! A very rare sighting for the interandean highlands. Also a subadult Purple Gallinule which is rare for Quito.
Jonas just spotted a new bird species for Ecuador, the Yellow-throated Brush-Finch (Atlapetes albinucha gutturalis, A.K.A. White-naped BF) up on La Bonita road near the Colombian border! He was scouting for an upcoming trip. This is the same road where he discovered the Bicolored Antpitta new for Ecuador in 1999.
Roger Ahlman and Charlie had a successful twitch for a lifer recently bagging the Choco Vireo at our new favorite site, Mashpi Reserve 2 hours NW of Quito. This enigmatic new species avoided discovery by ornithologists until 1991 due to the remoteness and difficult field/climate conditions in W Colombia. 4 years ago it was found in Ecuador near the border and last month our friend Dusan Brinkhuizen found it closer to home! See report
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Andean Birding is offering a 12 day/11night tour to Guyana. Come visit pristine rainforest for many specialties and endemics such as Guianan Piculet, Guianan Toucanet, Blood-colored Woodpecker, Crimson Fruitcrow, Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock, the other-worldly Capuchinbird.
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Harvard Chiapas Project alum, Nick Acheson professor at McGill University, former anthropology student of Evon Z. Vogt (my dad) has organized a birding group this summer with us. They will be doing our Amazon to Andes tour and there are still 2 spaces left! For those interested, my father wrote an interesting history of the Harvard Chiapas Project, Field Work Among the Maya. Check out the link and see me on the cover photo sitting on top of the Land Rover.
From March 12-23, the group of eight birding and natural history tour operators, journalists, and photographers from the US, the UK, and South America will be chasing Guyana’s 815 species of birds around the country. As the seventh tourism product familiarization (fam) trip organized by the Guyana Sustainable Tourism Initiative, the trip is a joint project of the Guyana Tourism Authority and the United States Agency for International Development / Guyana Trade and Investment Support project.
Scouting Guyana for his company Andean Birding, Charlie Vogt is an expert on the birds of Ecuador, where he has conducted bird surveys and prepared bird lists for many foundations and protected areas in Ecuador. Andean Birding provides customized itineraries for Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Mexico, but if the birds of Guyana behave as expected, look for a new country on their list in the future. Adventure Travel news article
Terracurve news article
Caribbeannet news article
Join our popular AMAZON TO ANDES 11 day tour which features; 4 nights at Napo Wildlife Center for a great Amazonian birding experience as well as many primates and other mammals; 3 nights at the new Wildsumaco lodge for many foothill specialties and rarities; and winding up with 2 nights at the famous Cabanas San Isidro plus 1 night Guango Lodge for astounding hummingbirds plus many cloud forest and paramo birds.
Charlie returned from 5 days of tough field work in extreme NW Esmeraldas with record numbers of mosquitoes, heat and mud. However he was rewarded with a total of 141 bird species recorded from Shade-Grown Cacao plantations near forest. Great views and recordings of Blue Cotinga, Stripe-throated Wren, Spotted Antbird, Stub-tailed Antbird, Ochraceous Attila (Vulnerable), Olive-sided Flycatcher (Near Threatened) as well as 2nd record of Great Crested Flycatcher for W Ecuador. Shade-Grown Cacao is an important refuge for a high diversity of resident birds as well as boreal migrants and a stop-gap for species loss from deforestation and conversion to “bird deserts” of Oil Palm and Banana plantations,
Charlie has been invited on a birding familiarization trip to Guyana in March, led by Tim Appleton, co-founder and –coordinator of the British Birdwatching Fair, sponsored by the Guyana Sustainable Tourism Initiative, a joint program of the USAID-Guyana Trade Investment Support program and the Guyana Tourism Authority.. Guyana has over 815 species of birds, & new species are being added regularly. There are many Guiana Shield endemics & highlight species such as the Harpy Eagle, Guianan-Cock-of-the-Rock & Sun Parakeet. Parrots flying overhead are a common sight throughout the country, and on our trip, it is entirely realistic to see at least twenty of the twenty-eight species found in Guyana, including endangered Scarlet and Yellow-and-Blue Macaw.
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- Mindo 3 Day tour w/ Kevin Graham 17-19 Dec 2009
Mindo 3-day tour w/ Kevin Graham, Carolyn Metz, Barbara Tomin. Trip Total was 203 species recorded with 25 heard only. Great view of Curve-billed Tinamou on the Yanacocha rd, Giant and Yellow-breasted Antpitta, Olivaceous Piha, Dark-backed Wood-Quail and Orange-breasted Fruiteater at Refugio Paz. Pallid Dove at Milpe MCF reserve, Pacific Tuftedcheek, Powerful Woodpecker, Sepia-brown Wren, Emerald Tanager, Gray-and-gold Tanager on Mashpi road.
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- Northern Waterthrush discovered at the Jardin Botanico in Quito
Roger Ahlman discovered a Northern Waterthrush at the Jardin Botanico here in Quito on Friday 4 Dec 2009. Charlie saw it yesterday and got a recording of its call, uploaded to Xenocanto database. Generally found <400m with 1 record from San Isidro E slope, this represents the first record for the Interandean valley Ecuador and a significant altitude extension. Hear recording
Cornell Researcher Kim Bostwick, who I met at Mindo Cloud Forest a couple of years ago, and collegues have found new data on the Club-winged Manakin sound riddle. It was first discovered by them a few years ago that the males actually stridulate by rubbing the modified feather shafts together with rapid wing movements. Now they have further discovered that the enlarged feather shaft resonates along with the entire wing. Read more>>>
- Amazon to Andes and West Slope with Leif Gabrielsen 17 Oct-3 Nov 2009
Charlie guided a keen Norwegian birder for 3 weeks with a total of 722 species recorded. At Bellavista a pair of Tanager Finches came in for a lingering visit and a Plain-breasted Hawk bathed in a road puddle. At Antisana, a pair of Aplomado Falcons caught an Eared Dove and at Yanacocha a Puna Hawk stooped on a Curve-billed Tinamou. Many more rare and local species were seen and beautifully photographed by Leif.
• Click here to download the trip report
• Click here to download the bird list from the trip
- East Slope tour with Bradley Hacker and Mary Wenzel 25 Aug- 1 Sep 2009 guided by Charlie
Headed up the old road to Papallacta Pass we had an early surprise with a Curve-billed Tinamou hunkered down on a roadside cut which eventually flushed with a heartstopping explosion of wingbeats. Two adult Andean Condors graced us with a glide-by and later views of Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle, Variable Hawk, Carunculated Caracara and American Kestrel completed a good sampling of raptors for a sunny, dry season morning on the interandean side. Another gift was a small flock of White-browed Ground-Tyrants, an austral migrant and uncommon visitor here. A Giant Hummingbird helicoptered nearby while Tufted Tit-Tyrants eventually gave us an endearing show of their delicate crests. High above at the antennas a brutal, sodden gale cut short our Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe hunt but lower down we did manage a Blue-mantled Thornbill, Bar-winged and Stout-billed Cinclodes, as well as Tawny Antpitta.
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The covetted Crescent-faced Antpitta which is sought by stalwart martyrs up the muddy strenuous Cerro Mongus trail has been discovered along the road above Papallacta Hot Springs. This will be a cherished addition along with the Masked Mountain-Tanager to the birds possible on our East Slope and Amazon to Andes tours. COME ALONG AND SEE THEM!
Charlie led Bill to Antisana and then on our 8 day West Slope tour and recorded a total of 344 species with 328 seen. At Antisana we had a Cinereous Harrier show nicely as well as a small flock of Black-faced Ibis along with the usual paramo specialties including Streak-backed and Many-striped Canastero.
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We have learned about a new site on a side road off the Mindo Hwy which promises to be great and will be included on our West Slope tour. I went there recently and had the mythical Indigo Flowerpiercer, as well as White-tailed Hillstar, Moss-backed Tanager, Green-fronted Lancebill and Orange-breasted Fruiteater. All rare and cherished species and never found in one spot!
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Charlie just returned from a week scouting the Zumba area and the Lagunillas Ridge seeing all the Ecuador Maranon endemics and specialties as well as some surprises. Vermilion Flycatcher on the Peruvian border was the first eastern record for Ecuador. Also, Violet-headed Hummingbird and Highland Hepatic-Tanagers were first records for Maranon valley in Ecuador.
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Substantial improvements in road and hotel infrastructure in the far south now makes for a comfortable and accesible tour of the Maranon valley in Ecuador. We will be targeting species not found elsewhere in Ecuador and a number which are easier than in N Peru; including Tataupa Tinamou, Maranon Spinetail, Maranon Crescentchest, Maranon Slaty-Antshrike, Chestnut-crested Cotinga, Purple-throated Euphonia, also Andean Flicker and Andean Hillstar. In this underbirded area we a sure to come up with some discoveries!
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Twilight Treasure Hunting for Magical Owls and Nightbirds - Andean Birding is now offering a 16 day tour focused on seeing as many of the 27 owl species, 5 Potoos and 19 Nightjars as possible in Ecuador. We will be visiting all the areas where these species occur and we have an excellent chance of seeing the majority of them. The tour is timed to take advantage of drier weather for better chances of observing these nocturnal delights. We will of course be day-birding for regional specialties as well taking midday rests to recharge our batteries! Please contact us for details and prices.
- NEW 14 DAY S ECUADOR 30 Jan-14 Feb, 27 Feb-14 Mar 2010 $3170
Southern Ecuador is an outstanding destination for its bountiful endemics nestled in a spectacular landscape. This tour visits 8 endemic bird areas with an excellent chance of seeing over 100 endemics, over 50 of them just in Tumbesia, the richest Endemic Bird Area in the world. With the inclusion of the temperate and elfin forests of Cajanuma and Tapichalaca and the verdant foothills of Buenaventura and Bombuscaro, our birdlist is unbeatable!
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This is a species I have lusted after for years in Ecuador which Roger and I finally found only 45 minutes from Quito the other night. We had been out owling and nightjarring for an hour and finally heard its quavering trill.
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- Southern Ecuador with Ben & Stephanie Turner Feb 10-22 2009
Just after leaving the airport we had Glossy Ibis at the marshes east of Guayaquil. This is a casual vagrant to wet fields in Southwesten Ecuador. Birding our way to Cuenca we had great looks at Giant Conebill, Tit-like Dacnis and Andean Tit-Spinetail. After a day visiting Ingapirca and marketing we headed back up to Cajas and had great looks at Violet-throated Metaltail above Dos Chorreras restaurant. On to Yunguilla the next morning we had one brief look at a Pale-headed Brush-Finch, they were less active and not singing as they were nesting.
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See the new live WEBCAM IN THE RAINFOREST of the hummingbirds at the Jocotoco Foundation’s Buenaventura reserve where we spend the first 3 nights on the Southern Ecuador tour!
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- MACHU PICCHU, SACRED VALLEY, ABRA MALAGA. 1 week High Andean birds and Incas 25 July-1 Aug, 1-7 Nov 2009
This trip is a perfect short trip, that may be after a Manu trip or it can be taken on its own. We not only visit the famous Inca ruins of Machu-Picchu but also some very good subtropical, temperate cloud forest as well as looking for some of the rarest birds on earth in the Polylepis woodlands and Apurimac endemics.
- MANU ROAD, MANU, MACHU PICCHU 3-17 July, 16-30 Oct 2009
Join us for a 2 week birding extroardinaire! Manu Biosphere Reserve has the highest biodiversity of any protected area in the world. The unparalleled beauty of this trip is in the landscape and variety of habitats ranging from orchid-draped cloud forest where Spectacled Bears and Cock-of-the-Rocks still exist unbothered, to pristine Amazon rainforest with 13 primate species and oxbow lakes frequented by Giant Otters. A trip to Manu is a trip to one of the world’s great wilderness areas where wildlife is still plentiful and over 1000 species of birds have been recorded. Add to this a breathtaking visit to Machu Picchu and you have a trip of a lifetime.
- NORTHERN PERU 12-30 Nov 2009, $3790 (reg. price $3990)
Come join us on a birding adventure of a lifetime to the spectacularly varied landscape and birdlife of Northern Peru. Brimming with Maranon, Tumbesian and Andean specialties, you will be gobsmacked by the birdlist and the views. Our itinerary actually passes through 6 endemic bird areas. We spend 3 nights at the Long-whiskered Owlet Bio. Station to allow great chances for the probable treats as well as the mythical Owlet which we heard recently. See itinerary Northern Peru
- Northern Peru 25 Oct – 9 Nov 2008 led by Roger Ahlman with Kevin Easely, Jason Horn and Charlie Vogt
With a 4:6 guide-to-passenger ratio this trip was bound to reap a bounty of specialties for northern Peru. Our itinerary actually passes through 6 endemic bird areas; Marañon, Tumbesian, Ecuador-Peru East Andes, Andean Ridge-top Forest, North-east Peruvian cordilleras, and Huallaga Valley! The triplist totaled 525 species seen and many more heard. We saw 30 Peruvian endemics and 2 were heard only. See detailed triplist.
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- Rarities from the Botanical Garden Jan 2009
Roger and Charlie have been frequenting the Botanical Garden in Quito (2750m) and have been finding some surprises: Olive-sided Flycatcher is probably a new record for interandean highlands. Great-crested Flycatcher, possibly 4th record for Ecuador, previously recorded only from Amazonia. Streaked Flycatcher, previously known only to 1000m. Scarlet Tanager is known mostly from the lowlands up to 1500m, occaisionally to 2500m or more. Scrub Tanager which is occasionally seen in Quito is nesting in the Garden. Summer Tanager has few records for Quito but Charlie had been recording it in Parque Metropolitano in previous years and up to 4 have been seen regularly at the Botanical Garden. Also, Canada warbler and Red-eyed Vireo (both with only 1 published record for the highlands). Recently Jonas and 2 researchers found 2 Tennessee Warblers, a very rare migrant with only 2 previous records for the central valley (Roger had one last year here).
Likely First record for the highlands in Ecuador! Found by Dusan Brinkhuizen 14 Nov 2008. This was a new warbler for all of us. Probably a 1st year female, it was foraging among a dozen small trimmed poplars and taller cassias in a tiny park on 24 de Mayo avenue.
Charlie will flying the Andean Birding banner at the British Birdwatching Fair in Rutland Water 15-17 Aug 2008 as well as the Dutch Birdfair 23-24 Aug. We will be sharing a booth with our great friends from Septimo Paraiso Cloud Forest Reserve near Mindo in Marquee 1, Stand #7 at the BBF and will have our own in Holland. SEE YOU AT THE BIRD FAIR!
- West slope and Northwestern Lowlands – with Per Ovin, 31 Mar-11 Apr.
Charlie led a Swedish birder for 12 days on the West slope and NW lowlands totaling 380 species with 363 seen. We arrived late from the airport to Yanacocha reserve which was slow but we did see Sickle-winged Guan and Golden-crowned Tanager among others. At Bellavista I spotted a White-faced Nunbird perched over the research station road as we were returning for breakfast. It sat for awhile giving us gripping views. We also had great luck with White-throated Quail-Dove, 2 views of Ocellated Tapaculo, Green-and-black Fruiteater and a pair of Tanager Finch. Powerful Woodpecker, Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan and Toucan Barbets were very active and visible in the area.
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Charlie led 4 keen, sharp-eyed Brits; Peter Symmonds, Jeremy Hickman, David Sewell and Simon Mair for a productive trip for Tumbesian, Marañon and Eastern Andes endemics and recorded just under 500 species, with 469 seen. On this itinerary we firmly support the Jocotoco foundation by staying 6 nights at their 2 lodges and visiting another 2 reserves.
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- C-T Ecotour from Taiwan 1-10 Feb 2008 Amazon and Northwest Lowlands
Andean Birding received its first group from Taiwan this year, 5 avid birders who were guided by Roger in la Selva Jungle Lodge and by Charlie to Canande reserve.
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This is the biggest festival of its kind in the US and most major tour agencies, binocular manufacturers and various photographers and artists were represented. Andean Birding was represented by Roger Ahlman and Susana Torres. We all came second in attention to a spectacular Raptor show that was held several times daily on the main stage!
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Andean Birding now offers a visit to a very accessible Oilbird cave. About 1 ½ hour drive from either Mindo or Paz de las Aves, this makes a wonderful midday jaunt when the light is better, to see the Oilbirds close-up in a deep chasm.
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- East and West Slope Tour 4-19 Nov 2007 guided by Charlie Vogt
Charlie guided Paul Prevett and Candy McManimon for 16 days on the East & West slope before their Galapagos trip. We recorded a total of 554 species with 513 seen and had good luck with some rare birds. Papallacta pass was merciful with the weather and we had great views of Black-backed Bush-Tanager & Red-rumped Bush-Tyrant along with the rest of the Paramo specialties. Guacamayos trail was forth giving with wonderful views of Greater Scythebill, Slate-crowned Antpitta, White-throated Quail-Dove walking on the trail and for Charlie a fleeting glimpse of Masked Saltator. Also Green-and-Black Fruiteater & Dusky Piha appeared. A Rufescent Screech-Owl came in to playback near the Lyre-tailed Nightjar site outside Baeza. A heavy downpour outside of Archidona cleared for an active late-afternoon birding including Blue-winged Parrotlets, Black-throated Mango & Orange-fronted Plushcrown.
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Boris Herrera led our Mythical Volcano tour with an American couple. They recorded 170 species seen and heard and added 14 new species to the Sumaco Volcano list. Yellow-headed Manakin was seen well with a mixed flock, only 2 recent records exist of this rare foothill species. He also tape-recorded what appears to sound like a Puna Snipe near the summit, previously known from one record of a bird flushed in extreme southern Ecuador. Boris will be leading the next Mythical Volcano tour in July 2008. With funding from GTZ, the local guides from Pacto Sumaco have now completed 3 comfortable huts with flush toilets and gas stoves.
After coordinating and sending off Boris guiding an American couple on our Mythical Volcano tour with up Sumaco, Sherry and I visited Douglas McMeekin, our friend from Kentucky who owns Yachana Lodge, over Christmas. We had a brief but stimulating 3 night stay. I birded their forest reserve on the far side of the river for 3 mornings with Delfin, a talented Quichua guide who was discovered by Douglas in far SE Ecuadorian amazon and subsequently sponsored/fostered by Douglas. Delfin and I were helping Stephanie Topp, a Canadian coordinating Global Vision International expedition in Ecuador which operates a field station in the reserve.
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- NEW AMAZON TO ANDES TOUR - 11 Days w/ Wildsumaco
We have lengthened our Amazon to Andes tour to allow 2 nights at the new Wildsumaco lodge run by Jonas and Bonnie & Jim Olson. The lodge protects 130Ha of eastern foothill forest with great birding trails for wonderful views of hard-to-get specialties. The tour begins at Napo Wildlife Center for great amazonian birding and also includes a night at Orchid's Paradise for a morning at El Para, see birdlist. San Isidro and Guango as always wind up a rewarding and bird-packed tour!
- East and West Slope Tour 4-19 Nov 2007, guided by Charlie Vogt
Charlie guided Paul Prevett and Candy McManiman for 16 days on the East & West slope before their Galapagos trip. We recorded a total of 554 species with 513 seen and had good luck with some rare birds. Papallacta pass was merciful with the weather and we had great views of Black-backed Bush-Tanager & Red-rumped Bush-Tyrant along with the rest of the Paramo specialties. Guacamayos trail was forth giving with wonderful views of Greater Scythebill, Slate-crowned Antpitta, White-throated Quail-Dove walking on the trail and for Charlie a fleeting glimpse of Masked Saltator. Also Green-and-Black Fruiteater & Dusky Piha appeared. A Rufescent Screech-Owl came in to playback near the Lyre-tailed Nightjar site outside Baeza. A heavy downpour outside of Archidona cleared for an active late-afternoon birding including Blue-winged Parrotlets, Black-throated Mango & Orange-fronted Plushcrown.
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Roger Ahlman & Susy Torres will be representing Andean Birding at the Spacecoast Birding & Wildlife Festival near Orlando Florida. There will be a a number of talks on birding in Ecuador, Peru & Bolivia. We hope to meet many contacts and Roger hopes to get many lifers at the nearby marshes as its his first time birding in the US. See you there!
Wildsumaco Lodge is happening! After nearly 2 years of preparation, in late July ground was broken in Pacto Sumaco for the construction of Wildsumaco Lodge. A retaining wall and footings for the bedroom buildings and the dining room quickly followed. The roof will go on in early September, and floors, walls and other systems should follow quickly.
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Yes, we finally made it to THE BIRDFAIR. Charlie shared a booth with Bellavista Lodge as it is de rigueur to spend a couple nights there on a West slope tour to load up on upper subtropical specialties. Richard Parsons and his charming mum brought repartee and delicious orange cookies to pass the occasional lull in what was a record breaking year. Entrance figures indicated 6000 more attendees on Friday than last year. Charlie saw many friends, associates, former ecstatic clients and made many new friends. In particular he had a chance to meet many of the Neotropical Bird Club organizers as well as their Colombian friends from Proaves. Good news from Colombia; there are now many safe areas to bird in, in particular Santa Marta which is chock-full of endemics will deserve an itinerary on our website. Look for it soon!
- NEW SITE in Ecuador for Orange-throated Tanager
We are visiting a new site in SE Ecuador for Orange-throated Tanager which has a much higher probability and dependable access than in N Peru. This is a 3-day add-on to our southern Ecuador tour. It is a breathtaking boatride up the Rio Nangaritza to the rustic comfortable Cabanas Yankuam.
A taste of migration in urban Quito
On the 4th of April 2006, a Black-billed Cuckoo (picture) was seen all day in Jonas garden in Quito. Also, a female Summer Tanager was passing through in the morning. On the 10th of April, late in the evening, an adult male Yellow Warbler was seen briefly in the same garden. Prime time for north bound migration!
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- 3 new records for Pichincha province!
During November and December 2005, Jonas and Roger recorded no less than three new species for the Pichincha province. This is significant as that is the best surveyed province in Ecuador.
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Andean Birding is introducing Argentina based on a very successful reconaissance trip that Roger and Jonas did in 2004. We will concentrate on the northern parts visiting high mountains, deserts, lush forests and the unique chaco habitat. A few days around Buenos Aires will give us a taste of the very birdy pampas and the coast. Argentina is more developed than other South American countries with better tourist infrastructure. For pasta, meat and wine lovers the local cuisine will give added flavor to the trip apart from the great birding.
Just released, this 5 CD publication presents recordings of 217 species from the foothills and the lower subtropics of eastern Ecuador and the Rio Maranon drainage. Jonas is one of the co-authors with 45 cuts, many of them unique for the CD.
Charlie, who has spent 12 summers in Chiapas and has birded through Yucatan, scouted Western Mexico this November. He then led a couple for 3 weeks over the holidays for a very successful trip including one site which contains 1/3 of the 180 Central American endemics.
A new site will be included in our itinerary for the Western Slope Tour. The main attraction here are two habituated Giant Antpittas that can be hand-fed! Two more Giant Antpittas are present along the trail as well as Scaled and Yellow-breasted Antpittas! On Rogers most recent visit a total of five antpittas of 3 species were seen very well in about an hour. Add to this other birds like Olivaceous Piha, Toucan Barbet and Plate-billed Mountain-Toucans, a selection of tanagers and others. More trails are currently being constructed and visiting the site has to be done with the land owner. Andean Birding is happy to bring people here to see the birds and at the same time support the conservation of the forest.
Andean Birding participated again in the annual Christmas Bird Count for the Mindo area at Nanca Jatunmi. Last year Charlie heard Long-wattled Umbrellabird, the only record of this species for the 2004 count. In 2002 he recorded Moss-backed Tanager at 1680m, an altitude record.
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- HIGH-ALTITUDE SPECIES RECORDS - Birding For Bravehearts Only!
Charlie has discovered a site with luxuriant shrub Paramo vegetation at over 4500m; almost 15,000 feet and higher than Mount Whitney, the highest peak in the lower 48! In 5 visits he has recorded significant altitude extensions for 10 of the 22 species observed so far. Publication in preparation.
- Cornell scientist solved the mystery of how the Club-winged Manakin makes the buzzing noise with its wings. It actually stridulates like a cricket! Read more: New York Times
- Plain-tailed Wren has the most complex duets of any bird in the world. Read more: New York Times
- Posters presented at 1st Ecuadorian Ornithology Conference 3-5 Mar 2005
Charlie and Jonas attended the meeting focused on research and bird tourism. Charlie presented 2 posters; 1. Sumaco project
and 2. Bird Impact Assessment of a wind turbine project in Loja which he did with Jonas’ assistance in the field. The posters were received with great interest and we had productive discussions on various subjects with Robert Ridgely, Paul Greenfield, Niels Krabbe, Olaf Jahn and Ben Haase.
Jonas has just recently released a new DVD for Birds of Ecuador; sounds and photographs together with the world famous ornithologist Dr. Niels Krabbe - www.birdsongs.com
- Roger Ahlmans trip report
A very talented Swedish birder recently spent a full year in Ecuador and Peru. Check out his Ecuadorian trip report here.
- Rio Quijos sustainable ecotourism development and water-shed management project
This project will be working in a heavily birded area between Papallacta and the Guacamayos ridge, including San Isidro, check out their Web site: www.kayakecuador.com
- Jocotoco Foundation
One of the most effective bird conservation groups in the Andean region, check out the Web site: www.fjocotoco.org
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